Monday, August 27, 2012

I love cooking Puerto Rican Food

I love cooking! I love making people happy with food. I am NOT a chef! Just a home cook. I learned over the years of watching my Mother and Step Mother and even my Father, how to cook Puerto Rican food. I lived in Puerto Rico with different relatives over the years and learned many recipes. I also learned from the local colorful people and other relatives how some foods and herbs can benefit your health. I learned about Ginger, and Yerba Buena, Yuca, Calabaza, Malanga Lila, Lemon and Honey, Mint, Hojas de Naranja (Bitter Orange Leaf). Now I want to share these recipes and helpful curative home remedies with you to try and preserve some of the lore of my country through others that are interested in these things. I want you to experience my cooking and maybe even some short stories as we go and I hope I don't over share (which I will probably do, so forgive me) and what little knowledge I have collected in the hopes that someday it will be passed on to others around you. In the end I just want to cook and make people happy through food and maybe share a few laughs and a feel good story. Take it all in good spirit and please feel free to share with me and expand on my knowledge so that I may share more with others. Thank You for reading and I can't wait to see your comments and pictures of what foods you make and what alterations and new ideas can surface from our exchanges.
Truly Grateful,

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